Sanford sustainable Wild Caught Large Scampi Size 1 (2kg box) (N.Z)




A small member of the clawed lobster family and easily recognised by its pink and orange banded shell, scampi live in burrows on the New Zealand seafloor, 200 to 800 metres deep.

Scampi are a rare delicacy and highly sought after. Its white, meaty flesh is sweet and delicate and is lovely baked, barbequed, marinated or served raw as sashimi.



About Sanford

Sustainability sits at the heart of their business – it is fundamental to Sanford connection with New Zealand and the growth of their business. Sanford understands environmental, economic and social choices have an impact, now and in the future.

Sanford are committed to a sustainable future for business and stakeholders,  people, customers and communities.

Sanford’s vision is to be the best seafood company in the world through the sustainable growth of their business, and they embrace the contribution they will make towards achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).

Sanford, along with Aotearoa Fisheries and Sealord are investing $26 million into the project under a Primary Growth Partnership (PGP) with the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI), which is matching the investment. Scientists at Plant & Food Research are partnering with the fishing companies to develop and trial the technology on commercial fishing vessels.

The Precision Seafood Harvesting Programme was named Supreme New Zealand Innovator at the 2014 New Zealand Innovator Awards, and also won the Innovation in Sustainability & Clean-Tech Award.

Sanford is the only major seafood company to have maintained ISO 14001 environmental certification across its New Zealand operations for the last 14 years.

We are also the only major seafood company to have publically produced an Integrated Annual Report that integrates environmental, social and economic performance using the Integrated Reporting (IR) framework and Global Reporting Initiative (GRI-G4) global indicators.

We respect the environment through our activities and influence, by:

  • Supporting sustainable use of marine resources
  • Minimising any adverse impacts of our activities on the environment (including biotechnologies, resource efficiency and waste production)
  • Reducing the likelihood of accidental discharges of pollutants and having contingency plans in place to deal with these should they occur
  • Working proactively with our suppliers to increase supplier participation and commitment to sustainable development principles

Additional information


1.5kg, 1kg, 500g