Hanamaruki Liquid Shio Koji


3 in stock



SHIO KOJI is a traditional Japanese condiment.
Hanamaruki is the only company that makes SHIO KOJI in the liquid form.
LIQUID SHIO KOJI can be used as a marinade for meat and fish, and also as a seasoning for stewed or stir-fried dishes.

Hanamaruki’s LIQUID SHIO KOJI is not heat-treated, and the enzymes it contains remain active. These enzymes are effective in neutralizing natural strong scents from meat as it is cooked and also enhance the texture by creating a soft and tender product.Adding LIQUID SHIO KOJI in even small amounts increases the amount of amino acids in a dish, giving you a full-flavored finish.

Fermented Rice Koji Rice + Salt + Water. LIQUID SHIO KOJI is made from all-natural ingredients, and poses no health concern associated with artificial additives.