Rangers Valley Black Market Scotch Fillet MB5+




Scotch Fillet steak is considered one of the best steaks on the market. The scotch fillet is cut from the roast known as a prime rib or standing rib roast that sits at the top of the rib primal, the part of the cow between the chuck and the loin. The scotch fillet is basically the meat between each of the ribs, which makes it a boneless cut; it is best grilled or broiled.

This highly desired cut of meat deserves top billing due to its full flavor and soft texture. The generous amount of marbling (fat running through the meat) makes for a rich taste and juicy finish. Because this area of the cow gets little exercise, the muscle isn’t used much and therefore the meat is nice and tender. Scotch fillet is often a decent size, filling up the plate, making for an impressive steak dinner.

Steaks are cut to 410-440g

Black Market Beef
Outside the realms of the established norm lies Black Market beef by Rangers Valley.
Some years ago, chefs from around the world began to ask for an elusive, highly marbled product – a pure Black Angus beef that would offer the kind of qualities demanded by those who reject mediocrity.

Whispers began, questions were asked, and a groundswell of very rare, highly marbled beef began to make its way from Rangers Valley to commercial kitchens around the globe. In the hands of greats, this 5+ marble score beef belies the humble beast from which it comes and submits to creations that many outside the industry just wouldn’t understand.

Supply of Black Market beef by Rangers Valley is exclusive and sporadic. It’s only available when it’s available. When we are out of stock, even we don’t know when product will replenish, all we know is that when it does, angels weep. So have faith, there will be more.

Additional information


410g – 440g